Chabad of Lake Tahoe has touched the lives of many people world wide, here are just a few...
“I want to thank both of you profusely for the lovely Shabbat dinner you provided us. I had such a nice time visiting with the Rabbis. Thank you for helping to provide to the Jewish community here in Tahoe.”
Hi Rabbi, I just wanted to thank you for providing a friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere. It was my first Yom Kippur service (I am embarrassed to say) and was very moving. It was nice that you did some of it in English and used page numbers, etc..
“Thank you for inviting our family to be a part of the Shabbaton! We all had a great experience - especially Lionel who loved being in the kids camp and seeing real snow. Thank you for your kindness, Jessica and I came away from the weekend feeling like we want to begin to observe Shabbat. Lighting candles, turning off the TV, spending time together as a family, all seem like a great way to welcome Shabbos on Friday night.”
We all had such a beautiful time at the Chabad on shabbat, my son said "when I grow up I want to move to Lake Tahoe and help the Rabbi and Rebbetzin with their work".- Esther, Miami
It was a pleasure to meet you, we're very impressed with your hospitality and the great work you are doing in Lake Tahoe. Bernie and Brocha, London, England
"Thank you very much for the course, it has truly enriched me, and will be of great benefit to me the rest of my life :) Every class was like opening a treasure box, I now have more joy, and gratitude. I am so grateful to have this foundation. Penny
"If you get invited to Mordey and Shaina's for dinner, you're in luck! The food was the best I've ever had, as was the company, plus I got to hold both babies!" Stuart Katz
“Thank you Richler's for welcoming me into your home. This is the first Passover Seder I've attended in 30 years!” David
Our women's groups at Shaina Richlers home have been so wonderful in sisterhood. I have learned so much more about Jewish women's culture and tradition. All the events have been so much fun and a true learning experience for all our holidays. I have created so many new friendships and feel so grateful for each and every one. Thank you Shaina and Mordey . Ileene
“Thank you Rabbi Mordey and Shaina Richler for inviting me into your home. This is the first Rosh Hashanah I’ve ever celebrated since I was four years old, which was the time my parents were taken from me”. Leon is a local and a Holocaust survivor.
Hi Mordey, Adam here. I didn't want to bother you on a Saturday. I just wanted to thank you so much for that amazing challa. We devoured it. We look forward to getting to know you and your family. I definitely need to reconnect with home base if you know what mean. Thanks again for stopping by, Adam
We all had such a beautiful time at the Chabad on shabbat, my son said "when I grow up I want to move to Lake Tahoe and help the Rabbi and Rebbetzin with their work".- Esther, Miami
We really cannot say enough to thank you and Shana again for the wonderful hospitality, food and minyanim during our stay in Lake Tahoe. We had an exceptional time. Please pass on to Shana our sincere thanks. We LOVED her food. And would love the pumpkin cake recipe if she is happy to share it with us!! Issac & Cindy London, UK
Hi Rabbi, I just wanted to thank you for providing a friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere. It was my first Yom Kippur service (I am embarrassed to say) and was very moving. It was nice that you did some of it in English and used page numbers, etc. Steve, S. Lake Tahoe
“This was so much fun. Thank you so much for organizing this. I have never learnt about Challah in depth before, it was so interesting and meaningful” Lori, Lake Tahoe